Will Imran khan be able to bounce back in Pak

First of all Happy Independence Day to all my Indian readers !! When we are going to celebrate this 75th Independence Day here in India. We applaud ourselves as proud Indian citizen, sense of responsibility Must be within our heart. We have to work very hard for become really self Independent and developed nation till 2045, A target taken by our Honorable Indian PM Narendra Modi. We are no doubt fastest growing economy in the world, we faced covid 19 pandemic so well and invented our own covid vaccines and served the world with our " ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः , सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।" feeling, We have made Brahmos Missiles, Agni 5 missiles and now making 6th generation Fighter Jet AMCA and seeing eye to eye with China and our Martyr Soldiers gave their lives for nation at Galwan and taught China a lesson, We did surgical strikes and air strike on Pakistan. Still Many of my friends asked me this question like what is the " Status of India in world Politics on 76th Indian Independence Day "we are celebrating on 15th of August 2022 ?
I am trying to answer those questions in this blog with my best knowledge. I prefer to use simplest language so common people can understand.
I am going to discuss some points and hope they will answer at least few questions and doubt in your mind. Here are :
1- In 1948 when Pakistan attacked in JK, It had support of USA and powerful European countries, In 2019 when under Narendra Modi government article 370 and 35 A abrogated then no nation came to support Pakistan except China, Malaysia and Turkey. Pakistan been to UN to everywhere but got no support.
3-After Doklam incident India became active and with powerful nations Japan, Australia, USA created a alliance called QUAD and challenged China openly where as earlier Indian politicians and government due to fear of China never took any stand which could make China angary and challenged since 1962. India after Doklam incident itself started making roads and other infrastructure on LAC area, and It was open challenge to China and this big move helped status of India grown up manifolds.
4- After Galwan clash with China in 2021, India got all kinds of International political support from the most powerful nations and China had backing only from Pakistan, After so many years of Indian independence, We never experienced such support from International media and countries. When China tried to capture finger 4 to 8 area in LAC then Indian army captured the most important area and sensitive places in Chines area and put their nation on upper hands in negotiation and finally China has to bow down and has to withdrawn army from that area. The world media was having a bird's eye on this and how India pushed China on Back foot from Political will, International backing and power of Indian army was well accepted and appreciated. World media was supporting India instead of powerful China was on its foot. It was result of powerful external ministry and and its efforts to convey the world that China is an expansionist nation who try to capture other nations territory. It was a such a big loss for China that after covid 19, It almost became a villain in the world eye.
5- Earlier in 1971 war, when Pakistan attacked India, and India decided to free east Pakistan then USA and powerful nations were standing in favor of Pakistan, They gave weapons and even USA sent his fleet in sea to counter India, Now on 28 September 2016 India entered inside Pakistan and did surgical strike and later Airstrike in 2019 at Balakot, then Pakistan cried so much but none of these Nations came in its support and a few of its friends like Turkey and china made noise but it was a clear message to Pakistan, that stature and status of India in world order has changed and now India has respect and its power in International political circuit has grown up manifolds. Indian common citizen was witnessing the growing political status of New India first time after Independence.
6- Earlier Pakistan used to do terror attacks on India and world media and powerful nations never took any action, But after 2016 India conveyed the world that Terror and talk won't go together. USA and European nations stopped funding to Pakistan under pressure of India ,and economic conditions of Pak has started falling since then.
7- India compelled world to take Pak terror support into consideration and made a point to put Pak in FATF gray list since 2018. Honestly we never thought that thee powerful Nations will support India and Pak has to beg around the world to run its economy since independence.
Here, I hope, I have been able to convey the status of India in Political Map and how we have grown up as a powerful Nation.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
About Blogger :
Abhishek R. Sharma
(Freelance Journalist and Worked with some prestigious media house)
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